is pleased to present the twenty-fourth annual
Cleveland International Classical Guitar Festival®
in cooperation with the fifth annual
James Stroud Classical Guitar Competition
hosted at and with support from the
Cleveland Institute of Music
June 6 - 9, 2024

Preview: Cleveland International Classical Guitar Festival to begin May 28, 2015 by Mike Telin

[One of] two of the most important annual American classical guitar events
(Classical Guitar Magazine)

From: May 22, 2015

Next week marks the fifteenth installment of the Cleveland International Classical Guitar Festival. Beginning at 10:00 am on Thursday, May 28 and continuing through Sunday evening, May 31 at the Cleveland Institute of Music, CICGF will present recitals and master classes by Antonis Hatzinikolaou (Greece); Nigel North, lute (England); Jason Vieaux and harpist Yolanda Kondonassis (USA); Paul Galbraith (Scotland); Ricardo Gallen (Spain); Duo Melis (Susana Prieto, Spain, and Alexis Muzurakis, Greece); and Pavel Steidl (Czech Republic).

“This spring’s event will mark our fifteenth anniversary, which is a very big deal for us,” said Armin Kelly, founder and owner of Guitars International and artistic director of the Cleveland International Classical Guitar Festival. “We were recently honored to read in the lead article of the Spring issue of ‘Classical Guitar’ magazine (the most important English language periodical devoted strictly to classical guitar) our festival referred to as [among] two of the most important annual American classical guitar events.”

As always, the festival will also include informative lectures on a variety of topics. On Thursday, May 28 Cleveland native Colin Davin will present “The Art of the Collaborative Commission.” Nigel North will discuss “Bach and the Lute” on Friday, May 29 at 6:30 pm. Canadian master guitar maker Joshia de Jonge will talk about “French Polishing” on Saturday, May 30.