Antonio Marin Montero, Spain
Recently retired, Antonio Marín Montero was born in Granada in 1933. No one in his family had any background in the guitar world. Before he became a guitar maker he had to overcome many hardships. He worked first in a number of different marquetry workshops. Starting when he was only a few years old, he worked in Francisco Moya's workshop. Later, based on his superior skill with the gouge, Marin was hired by Recaredo Veredas. 

Antonio Marín keeps in mind a sentence that Domigo Prat, one of the main disciples of the great Spanish guitarist Miguel Llobet, wrote in his dictionary about the Spanish guitar: "The guitar is one of the best and most beautiful instruments of the world, with different nuances and sonorities that grant independenc[e] to the guitar." Marin's concert guitars are a unique musical blend of Northern European and Spanish guitar making traditions.

Antonio Marin is a direct disciple of the great Parisian master guitar maker, Robert Bouchet. After visiting the French master in 1977, they became close friends. To this day Marin uses Bouchet's templates and incorporates his mentor's techniques into his own elegant work. Due to Marín's love of perfection, many young, aspiring guitar makers visit his workshop each year to learn from this great master the magic which he instills into his ancient art. Among his many disciples are his nephew, José Marín Plazuelo, and José González López, both of whom work beside him in his workshop.

The fame of Antonio Marín and his master guitars extends over five continents. He has been honored by visits from many of the world's most prestigious performers and teachers both from the classical and flamenco world, many of whom perform and record with his wonderful guitars.

Each year, six days a week Antonio Marin spends many long hours in his shop meticulously crafting a small number of elegant concert guitars. Since he only works on commission, the demand for his instruments so great, and his output so small, his customers must wait many months to receive one of his beautiful guitars. 
Antonio Marin Montero